

b. 1986, HK.


recent FREELANCE :

The Washington Post
National Public Radio
National Geographic


Vicky Hallett is a journalist from Washington, DC. After graduating from Harvard College, she started her career at U.S. News & World Report, covering toys, musical theater and higher education (among other topics). Then she jumped over to The Washington Post, where she spent 10 years as a reporter, columnist and editor. There, she specialized in health and fitness, but dabbled in all sorts of stuff. She even wrote about Thanksgivukkah! In 2015, she moved abroad with her family to Florence, Italy, where she sought out new adventures and story ideas. In 2020, they left Italy for a two-week vacation back to DC, and um, some 2020 stuff happened.

They recently moved from DC to Memphis, where she’s learning how to use “y'all” properly.

She is available for writing and editing assignments.

Contact her at vickyhallett at yahoo dot com.